Nasdaq First North is an alternative market operated by the different exchanges within Nasdaq.
Nasdaq First North Growth Market is a registered SME growth market, in accordance with the Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments (EU 2014/65) as implemented in the national legislation of Denmark, Finland and Sweden, operated by an exchange within the Nasdaq group.
Issuers on Nasdaq First North Growth Market are not subject to all the same rules as issuers on a regulated main market, as defined in EU legislation (as implemented in national law). Instead they are subject to a less extensive set of rules and regulations adjusted to small growth companies. The risk in investing in an issuer on Nasdaq First North Growth Market may therefore be higher than investing in an issuer on the main market. All issuers with shares admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market have a Certified Adviser who monitors that the rules are followed. The respective Nasdaq exchange approves the application for admission to trading.
Certified Advisor: Mangold Fondkommission AB
Address: Engelbrektsplan 2, 114 34 Stockholm, Sweden
tel: +46 8-503 015 50
Legal Advisor: Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB
Address: Strandvägen 1, 114 51 Stockholm, Sweden
tel: +46 8 545 322 00
Auditors: Mazars AB (Stockholm)
Address: Jakobsgatan 6, 111 52 Stockholm, Sweden
tel: +46 8 796 37 00